Minister-MGLSD, Hon. Betty Among, Launching the "Dissemination of findings from the study on Building Gender Sensitive and Disability Inclusive Social Protection Systems in Uganda Report.
what we do
UDN’s work is guided by core values which we uphold as inviolable commitments that express’ who we are as a CSO”, and what principles or qualities infuse all practices and activities within the organization.
Enhancing the capacity of citizens and civic organizations to influence public debt and development frameworks at local, national and international levels
Promoting citizens’ empowerment and engagement for accountability of public resources and delivery of quality public services.
A Uganda Debt Network with solid governance, management structures and systems that enable delivery of high-quality results
About Uganda Debt Network (UDN)
UDN is a national policy advocacy organization that works towards prudent management of public debt and other resources for equitable and sustainable development in Uganda. UDN promotes and advocates for poor and marginalized people to participate in influencing poverty-focused policies, demand for their rights and monitor service delivery to ensure prudent, accountable and transparent resource generation and utilization.
UDN Vision: Sustainable Debt and Equitable Development in Uganda
UDN Mission: To foster citizen-centered accountable management of Public debt and other Resources for equitable and sustainable development in Uganda.
UDN Core Values
Objectives of UDN:
UDN PSEA Policy is meant for and should be adhered to by all UDN Contractually Obligated Persons, herein also referred to as personnel. The COP / UDN personnel in the UDN PSEA policy shall be construed to refer to the following:
UDN board members, staff, partners, contractors, suppliers and all third parties working with or for UDN. The policy applies both in their working and as well as their personal lives.
This policy is intended to ensure that PSEA procedures are developed and implemented to protect rights of community women and men, children, adults and any vulnerable persons we target, work with from sexual abuse and exploitation or any other harmful behavior by UDN Staff, volunteers, consultants and other people that work for UDN.
Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) is a violation of UDN Code of Conduct, values and commitment to promoting and protecting rights of all children, young people and vulnerable adults in actions and decision making.
Aligned to the U.N. Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Six Core Principles Relating to Sexual Exploitation and Abuse.
The policy provides guidance and direction to UDN staff, Volunteers, Consultants and another person working for UDN with the objective of;
This Policy against Sexual Exploitation and Abuse comes into effect following approval by the Board of Directors as indicated by the approving signatories.
The policy will be revised and updated every after 2 years from the effective date of implementation.
This policy is concerned with the Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) of children and adults (anyone over the age of 18). This includes direct or indirect beneficiaries of our programming, adults in the wider communities in which we work and those who come into contact with UDN or our representatives.
UDN has a “Zero Tolerance” approach to Sexual Exploitation and Abuse and does not allow any partner, supplier, sub-contractor, agent or any individual engaged by UDN to engage in any form of sexual abuse or exploitation against children, vulnerable or other adults associated with its work. All children and adults have the equal right to protection from sexual abuse and exploitation regardless of any personal characteristic, including their age, gender, ability, culture, racial origin, religious belief and sexual identity.
This policy applies to all persons working for us or on our behalf in any capacity, including employees at all levels, directors, officers, agency workers, seconded workers, volunteers, interns, agents, contractors, external consultants, third-party representatives, suppliers and business partners. It applies during or outside of working hours, every day of the year.
Sexual Exploitation and Abuse refers to all forms of inappropriate conduct of a sexual nature. This includes, but is not limited to:
Definitions of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse:
Sexual Abuse The threatened or actual physical intrusion of a sexual or sexualised nature, including inappropriate touching, by force or under unequal or coercive conditions, sexual assault and rape. It may also include threatened or actual nonphysical intrusion (unwanted and/or uninvited exposure to pornography, texts, images, and so on, the sharing of images, texts and so on, demands for sexualised photographs etc.).
Sexual Exploitation: Any actual or attempted abuse of a position of vulnerability, differential power, trust, or dependency, for sexual or sexualised purposes. This includes the offer or promise of monetary, social, political benefits as an incentive or form of coercion.
Sexual favours: Any sexual or sexualised acts, in exchange for something such as money, goods, services, opportunities and so on. Also includes demands for inappropriate photographs, filming, and exposure to pornography and so on.
Grooming: The cultivation of emotional relationships with those in positions of vulnerability or inequitable power, with the intention of manipulating these relationships into sexualised dynamics in the future
Zero Tolerance: At UDN, we have a culture of zero tolerance for all forms of abuse and mistreatment, including Sexual Exploitation and Abuse, Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying.
This means that every single concern is fully responded to and where necessary prompt action (including conducting an investigation and taking disciplinary action, if applicable) is taken.
It means that we will hold our people to account against the same standards and subject them to the same processes, as everyone else regardless of their position or reputation within the organization.
Sexual exploitation and abuse are a violation of fundamental human rights. It can also be a criminal act. UDN is committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business dealings and relationships and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure the exploitation and abuse of adults is not taking place anywhere in our own business or in any of our supply chains or partnerships. UDN is committed to ensuring there is transparency in our own business and in our approach to preventing and responding to any safeguarding violations against adults throughout our supply chains, and relationship with third parties. In addition, we are committed to ensuring our approach is consistent with our national and international disclosure obligations, and shall comply with all applicable laws, statutes, regulations and codes from time to time in force, including:
Where the guidance in this policy conflicts with any applicable laws or regulations, the higher standard must be observed at all times.
UDN is committed to preventing the sexual exploitation and abuse of children and adults, including through the following means:
Awareness: Ensuring that all staff, representatives and third parties connected to UDN are aware of the high standards of behaviour and conduct expected of them to protect both children and adults from any form of sexual abuse and exploitation in their private and working lives.
Prevention: Ensuring, through awareness and good practice, that staff and those who work with UDN minimise the risks of any form of sexual exploitation and abuse, including but by no means limited to conducting relevant vetting and background checks of staff as part of their recruitment process.
Reporting: Ensuring that all staff and those who work with UDN are clear on what steps to take where suspicions or concerns arise regarding allegations of sexual exploitation or abuse of children, adults and other vulnerable members of the populations where we work.
Responding: Ensuring that immediate action is taken to identify and address reports of sexual exploitation and abuse and ensure the safety and well-being of the persons being sexually exploited or abused.
To help UDN personnel identify SEA incidents the following are examples of prohibited behaviour:
UDN expects the same high standards from all her personnel, who include all partners, contractors, suppliers and all third parties working with or for UDN, including taking measures to prohibit their staff and representatives from engaging in any sexual exploitation and abuse in their working and personal lives.
In order to keep the internal working environment and that of the beneficiaries safe, all UDN personnel shall follow the IASC[1] Six Core Principles hereunder:
While the ultimate responsible accounting person for PSEA policy shall be the Executive Director, UDN management shall designate and appoint the PSEA Focal Person and the Alternative PSEA Focal Person for purposes of operationalising this policy. A special contact address for reporting shall be provided and publicised among all UDN personnel and beneficiaries. The email address for complaints and whistleblowing is PSEA-Report@udn.or.ug
PSEA Policy shall be mainstreamed in all UDN work. This may include direct training, refresher training, dissemination of PSEA related information or including of PSEA information sessions during any of the UDN meetings and external activities. All periodical reports (quarterly semi-annual, annual or otherwise) shall have provisions for PSEA reporting.
The UDN PSEA Policy was approved by the board as follows:
17th November 2022
[1] Created by United Nations General Assembly resolution 46/182 in 1991, the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) is the longest-standing and highest-level humanitarian coordination forum of the United Nations system. It brings together the executive heads of 18 organizations and consortia to formulate policy, set strategic priorities and mobilize resources in response to humanitarian crises.
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